
Throughout my engineering career, I looked for a mentor. I wanted to grow faster than everyone else and become the best I could be. I worked with multiple teams but could never find the person to fulfill my need.

Slowly I started realizing that I didn’t need someone doing that for me; I could have a set of resources that could provide the answers I needed from a mentor. As such, I spent a lot of time looking for these resources but didn’t find anything close to what I wanted.

As I became more seasoned, I started to help engineers with the same issue. Engineers that wanted to grow but didn’t know what to do, and in that process, I realized that this was a problem affecting many people. Even though they wanted to grow, finding answers to their questions online was hard.

Most of the content that exists on the web for engineers is not focused on how you can become a valuable asset to your team. Instead, the content is focused on how to write Hello World in the new useless language that someone decided is better than everything that ever existed, and how to build TODO apps using the latest JS frameworks... you get the gist.

So, what’s the problem?

Becoming valuable and improving your skills as an engineer is hard. 

What’s the solution?

Create straightforward digital content that teaches you the following:

  • Communicate effectively

  • Create simple solutions

  • Build trust

  • Focus on impact

  • Handle pressure

  • Understand product

  • Take ownership

  • Be organized

  • Manage risk

Why me?

Because I had a realization - my unique views of the world and the knowledge I acquired in my career can make any engineer highly valuable in any team they are part of.

Why now?

The biggest problem the technology industry has is talent scarcity. As such, building talent right now is the most impactful contribution I can make to this industry. I want to empower engineers to become as talented as they can be.

What’s in it for me?

Build talent. Empower engineers.

What’s in it for you?

Become a highly valuable asset.